
I have an absolutely massive headache. And it’s no mystery why – I mean I don’t remember much about last night, but I’m pretty sure the debilitating pain in my temple has something to do with the 21st birthday party I attended. “What’s one drink?” I asked myself. Famous last words, for as we all know, it’s never just one drink. I guess that’s the danger in living so close to Pretoria’s premium nightlife spots. Well, some might classify it as dangerous, and it’s certainly not helping the fact that I need to get this particular article done in the next twenty-five minutes. However the pictures on my phone tell me that I had way too much fun, and at the end of the day, that’s all I ever look for in a night out on the town – possibly coupled with a hangover recovery golf game at the oh so nearby Silver Lakes golf course.
It’s definitely easier when you live close to where said nights are had. I mean I don’t even live at Heron Hill and it took me all of ten minutes, with traffic, to get to where the festivities took place. The excellent proximity of the clubs, pubs, bars and restaurants to all those who call the eastern suburbs of the capital home means that no matter what you’re feeling for – a romantic date with your better half, or a party to remember with the mates (possibly to meet the one whom you can take out on the aforementioned romantic date) – the answer is literally around the corner. From the famed Tiger Tiger, where the in-house DJ’s do their best to provide you with the bass that keeps blazing out the speakers, complimented with international acts and themed parties to rival those of Ibiza (yes, pronounced “I-bi-tha”) – The Halloween party earlier this year? You ever watched The Walking Dead? Like that, but somehow everyone still looked hella sexy. Albeit sexy zombies, but let’s not argue over semantics no? My point is, if you’re a creature of the night and hate the commute that it takes to get your body grinding on a dance floor to the beats of Africa, then properties in Heron Hill is something you should seriously think about investing in.
Strangely enough, that isn’t where I ended up last night – Cubana, situated in Menlyn Square, was the choice of venue, and the vibe was impeccable – again, from what I can remember. At one point I could’ve sworn I was at some night-time beach party in the south of Spain, colours melding together (possibly the result of complimentary tequilas, the wait staff of this fine establishment doing any and everything in their power to ensure that their patrons have the time of their lives), sounds of the Caribbean gracing my ears, everyone dressed to impress (yeah I said it), the tastes of Latin American culture emulated to such a degree that it would be near impossible to tell the difference, regardless si tu hablas espanol.
The great thing about Menlyn Square, is that choice is certainly something that developers took into account when signing off on the leases held by each business venture in fun and fantasy. It was from the darkened lounges of Cubana to the dance floors of the utterly adjacent TY’s Nightclub that we ventured, where sheer darkness was punctured periodically by the strobes and coloured lights that hung from the ceiling, their brilliance reflected and refracted by the numerous disco balls that spoke of tribute to the 80’s, while modern music provided a fire, an energy, no, a synergy that was present within all. The newly constructed outdoor area provides a place to relax away from (no too far though!) the sounds and smells of the ongoing party, the sound of the music overtaken by the laughter of couples and those looking for love – for it is definitely to be found here, inspired by the ambience of Ubuntu and happiness.
The glory of Tiger and the greatness of TY’s aside, my favourite place within the east to pull up a chair and kick back for a night is most certainly News Café. Not too loud yet not too tame, it provides that perfect middle ground in terms of finding a good night out. After a long, long, very long Friday (trust me, today is Friday), there is simply nothing better than suiting up and heading down to the comfort of the couches in which I sit while watching The Springboks get their behinds handed to them by Ireland (okay that part was upsetting, but other than that it was good night). The calm hues of the blue and white lighting, characteristic only of News Café, and the smooth music that inspires dance as soon as it does down-time, means that no matter how long the end of the week was (oh my goodness you have no idea), I’ve found my quantum of Solace.
Bond. James Bond.