
A city worthy of the gods - perhaps this is why owners of the stunning estate have so aptly named it Olympus. The level of sculpted perfection in every aspect of the breath-taking campus is beyond belief – god-like, if you will. There simply isn’t a corner stone out of place. Based loosely on the urban structure of many a quaint American-style country town, wide roads contribute the welcoming feeling that the neighbourhood exudes, lush vegetation abounds the streets, and elevations of granite boulders scatter the area, as though carefully placed, stacked, by a hand from the heavens, so as to contribute to the visual pleasures of the area. Pre-conceived street layouts come to life in spectacular fashion, and run parallel with cobbled walkways. This last attribute, strangely enough is, to me, the estates foremost characteristic - I challenge you to walk through any neighbourhood in the Pretoria east region and find a mind-set of urban design that values pedestrians as much as Olympus Country Estate. And this value extends to ease of access as well as viewed appeasement – celestial Olympus certainly knows how to entertain, the properties within Olympus all adding to the vigour that the estate exudes
However, an estate is not made solely by its architectural genius, nor wide streets, nor the trees that line them, their cover reminiscent of the sheltering arms of a higher power. An estate is made by the relationship between its residents, their homes within, and the surrounding conveniences that add to the quality of their lives. For how happy would one be if one of necessity drove hours merely to conduct one’s business? How safe would one feel if, after an accident, it required a lengthy trip to reach adequate medical care? Would you prefer that schools be a five, or fifty minute drive away? With Zeus-like vigour, Olympus Country Estate rose to obliterate these challenges through excellent proximity to a multiplicity of top quality shopping centres, schools, private hospitals and more. It is doubtful that you will ever need to travel more than 15 minutes from the entrance gate to achieve what is desired (okay fine, lets factor in traffic and say 16 minutes).
Our journey to the lands that surround the pantheon starts at Woodlands Boulevard shopping centre (I would love it to start at the Woodhill Golf Course and Country club, but I feel that a round of 18 and a scotch would probably be more appreciated near the end of said journey. Also, I'm the designated driver). And to give you an idea of just how “around the corner it is”, directions from Olympus Country Estate to said shopping centre would be: Right onto Atterbury, left onto Mareuil…yes, that’s it. As for said shopping centre itself? Good gods above, it’s as though Persephone ascended from the underworld and blessed the land with a touch reminiscent of her mother (her mother, just by the way - Demeter, goddess of fertility and the harvest. Sorry, I studied ancient cultures in college for a year, possibly less because of the culture and more because of the pretty brunette who sat in the front row). Choice is in abundance, with every conceivable need met to the highest level. Fine dining for first dates (where I eventually ended up taking said front row pretty brunette), entertainment galore (thank gods, because I was really starting to run out of things to say to her) in the form of glorious cinematic experiences and music stores with catalogues to astound the senses, many a diamond store, their entrances announcing names such as American Swiss, Brown and Pandora (you can be sure we went in there when her birthday came around. My wallet still hasn’t quite recovered), pet stores (we decided to go in there too. Although the word “decided” implies that I had a choice in the matter), a variety of clothing stores (apparently she wanted to date a “man”, not a boy. Arguments for the continued use of my Star Wars pants fell upon deaf ears) – this list goes on (strangely enough, this list is directly proportionate to the money I now owe the bank).
This is but one of the many, many (seriously, many) lifestyle centres that abound the Pretoria East region. Perhaps you’re more of a realist? Less Demeter and more Hephaestus? Now there’s a god who’d need a lot of medical attention. Working the forges all day, flames billowing, molten metal flowing – at some point you’re going to need a Band-Aid. But, like Ares to the men of war, we’ve got your back. The prestigious Pretoria East Hospital awaits to soothe what ails you, and you can bet your new house in Olympus that they have a lot more that a Band-Aid. Attracting the best in the country (and indeed, the best outside of it), the utmost is done to ensure that you leave looking and feeling healthier than when you walked in (yes, really). With rapid response units, manned with the highly trained paramedics, standing at the ready, you will never need to fear for your safety or well-being again.
Got a bit of golf in you? ‘Course you do! Who wouldn’t, what with watching Happy Gilmore, The Greatest Game Ever Played and the Legend of Bagger Vance (if you haven’t seen at least two of those three titles: Stop reading. Watch them now.
Great, now that you’ve seen them and your life has been forever changed, you’ll appreciate the incredibly low travel time that residents living within Olympus Country Estate are afforded with when travelling to one of the two professional level 18-hole golf courses at either Woodhill or Silver Lakes Golf Estate (see, I told you it would work better at the end). A bit off your game? Dedicated personal golf trainers will put your right back on it, from your arc to your swing to the way you hold the bat, as though a bird in the hand (yes, that was a movie line).
I guess what I we at MyRoof have been trying to convey throughout the course of this article - excuse me, throughout our travels of the surrounding lands, is that it is very easy to buy a house. It is something special to find a life, where the house becomes a home, the seat of power, the palace to your thrown on – or in this case, in – Olympus.