Hoedspruit - MR630159

Commercial in Hoedspruit, Limpopo, Limpopo

R 16,500 rental per month

Hoedspruit - MR630159
Commercial in Hoedspruit, Limpopo, Limpopo

Key Features

  • Property Type - Commercial
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=630159 DID=654331 SID=1

    This is a commercial office space located in the business block in front of the Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate. This is a rare opportunity as these dont pop up very often. Hoedspruit is a small tourism and agriculturally orientated town in the Lowveld nestled between the Kruger National Park and the Blyde River Canyon. The Home of the green (and Khaki), Hoedspruit is surrounded by the largest privately owned conservation area in the world. Leading Green Belt, Hoedspruit is one of the major agricultural contributors in the country, specializing in Mango and Citrus production. It offers a lifestyle that is enough to leave you green with envy.

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