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Invest in this bachelor flat situated near UNISA.It comes with a kitchen, full bathroom, separate spacious bathroom with built-in cupboards, and a covered parking lot.The complex is well managed with 24 hour security and CCTV cameras.It is near UNISA Sunnyside campus, transport systems, shopping complex, schools and Pretoria Central colleges.It is currently tenanted and generates a good rental income of R4600pm.
Pretoria Central , Salvokop , Sunnyside , Trevenna
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Invest in this bachelor flat situated near UNISA.
It comes with a kitchen, full bathroom, separate spacious bathroom with built-in cupboards, and a covered parking lot.
The complex is well managed with 24 hour security and CCTV cameras.
It is near UNISA Sunnyside campus, transport systems, shopping complex, schools and Pretoria Central colleges.
It is currently tenanted and generates a good rental income of R4600pm.