Bergtuin - MR510428

House in Bergtuin, Pretoria - North East, Gauteng

R 3,940,000

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Bergtuin - MR510428
House in Bergtuin, Pretoria - North East, Gauteng
R 3,940,000
 of property in Bergtuin
 of property in Bergtuin
 of property in Bergtuin
 of property in Bergtuin
 of property in Bergtuin
 of property in Bergtuin
 of property in Bergtuin
 of property in Bergtuin
 of property in Bergtuin
 of property in Bergtuin

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Key Features


  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms

More Features

  • Property Type - House
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 5282m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R746 per m2

MyRoof Stats

PID=510428 DID=534812 SID=1

Chunk Of Space, Attention Home Seekers, Investors, Property Developers This Here Is For A Family, For Development And We Are Quite Sure That It Is For Investment.

Bergtuin brings to you on top of the mountain, views from above, a very big yard and a house with space to move around.

I have a property up for sale, that consists of 4 bedrooms with the main bedroom having an en-suite so you get to bath in your bedroom before breakfast. The main bedroom has a huge space that can fit a king size bed. This is a family house, if you have children that are introverts you can go days without seeing them. Yes, that's how big it is.

The kitchen has a pantry where you can store your groceries in, it will most probably feature as one of the most biggest kitchens you'll ever lay your eyes on.

Two dinning rooms, a study and a huge backroom that can easily be converted into a workplace , a work station or a mini office of some sort. You can't go wrong.

This right here is the mind blowing part, the property has a piece of land that comes with it, you can definitely build anything because when you buy the house you get the land with it, all for one price. With this chunk of land, you can develop it into anything you want to develop there.

Hit me up, let's talk and see what we can agree on.

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